Important: Compensation Measures for RGIs – Non-Domestic Gas Safety Award

In its Decision Paper (CRU202223) published on 25th February2022, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) outlined that it was considering compensation measures for RGIs who previously undertook or paid for the first module of the Level 6 Special Purpose Non-Domestic Gas Safety (NDGS) given that it was no longer a mandatory requirement to carry out non-domestic gas works, following the implementation of the non-domestic gas works regulation. The CRU subsequently confirmed in its Information Note (CRU2024167) published on 18th December 2024 that a process was being developed by the RGI scheme operator.

The CRU has worked in collaboration with the RGI scheme operator to develop a structured process for affected RGI scheme members to apply for compensation. The CRU) has now approved the process for these compensation measures and the scheme is now open to applications from eligible RGIs who meet the specified criteria outlined below.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for compensation, applicants must meet all of the conditions set out below:

  • The compensation applies exclusively to the Level 6 Special Purpose Non-Domestic Gas Safety (NDGS) Award.
  • Only individuals who were registered RGIs at the time of course and can provide valid proof of payment are eligible to apply. Proof of payment submitted must show that payment for the course was made between 15th March 2019 and 24th February 2022. Payments outside these dates will not be eligible.
  • Acceptable proof of payment includes a receipt or other verifiable evidence of payment.
  • The only recognised training provider for this course was Metac. Claims with receipts or evidence from other training providers will not be accepted.
  • The compensation amount will be based strictly on the verified amount paid, as stated on the proof of payment.

Application Process


  • Applications must be received before 2nd May 2025.
  • Applications must be sent via email to
  • Applicants must include their RGI number along with all relevant documentation in a single email.
  • No other means of communication will be accepted for claim submissions.


  • Approved reimbursements will be processed between 14th April 2025 and 16th May 2025.

If you meet the eligibility criteria, we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible and before 2nd May 2025. No applications will be accepted after this date.