RGII are pleased to announce the launch of the RGI log in portal. During the next few days all RGIs will receive an email to your registered email account with us.
In order to log into your account initially, please follow the steps below;
- You will receive an email from website@rgii.ie to your registered email address on our system requiring you to change your password
- Click the link on the email address and follow the process to update your password. Keep this password safe as it is unique to your RGI account.
- Once logged in, you will now be able to:
- Order certificates and NoHzs online
- Pay registration fees
- Order RGI branded merchandise
- Check out news and technical information from RGII
If you do not receive an email and want to log in, please click here to go to the lost password page, enter your email address and click ‘reset password’. Our system will check the email address to ensure we have an account with that address and will send you the reset password link to log in.
If you have changed your email address, or have not informed RGII of your email address, please ensure you do so by emailing info@rgii.ie with your RGI number. RGII will verify your details and update our records and create an online account that evening.
By paying your annual registration fee online by the 18th December 2020, you will be automatically entered into a draw to win a Sprint Pro 1 kit, which includes Flue Gas Analyser, Printer and Flue Probe kit.

Best regards,
RGI Administration