Irish National Annex to I.S. EN1949:2011

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The draft National Annex are available for review and comment on NSAI Your Standards, You Say

Comments must be submitted on Your Standards, Your Say.

The closing date for comment is 7th November 2012.

Background to the National Annex:
Since the introduction of the LPG gas installers into the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) regulatory regime for domestic gas works a number of issues have arisen with the issuing of certificates for mobile home, caravan and campervans which are covered under I.S. EN 1949. In addition to this, the Commercial Vehicle Testing has broadened its scope to include campervans. It was not feasible to train the vehicle testing staff to be competent and registered to work on I.S. EN 1949 gas installations. It was proposed by the Registered Gas Installers of Ireland (RGII) in conjunction with the Road Safety Authority to draft a certificate for gas installations within the scope of I.S. EN 1949.
The original Gas Works legislation, SI 225 of 2009, implemented I.S. 813, Domestic Gas Installations, for gas works on domestic natural gas installations and appliances. The Annex D certificates were adopted by the Gas Safety Supervisory Body and are now issued to certify gas works.
The new Gas Works legislation, SI 299 of 2011, not only implemented I.S. 813 for gas works on domestic LPG gas installations and appliances but also implemented I.S. EN 1949. Without a similar Annex D from I.S. 813, I.S. EN 1949 is limited in its use. With the National Annex incorporates the requirements of Annex C and Annex E together with Annex D. This makes the Standard functional from the point of view of implementation.