Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2015

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Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week promotes the dangers associated with carbon monoxide and aims to educate the general public on how to prevent it. The awareness week is a public safety initiative supported by organisations across the energy sector and related industries as well as safety and public health bodies including the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER), Gas Networks Ireland, Register of Gas Installers of Ireland (RGII), Oil Firing Technical Association (OFTEC), National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) and major Irish energy retailers.

Extensive advertising will run throughout the week supported by PR activities and as part of the awareness week our media campaign will this year focus on Tommy McAnairey, the central ambassador to the campaign.  Tommy, a singing canary created to drive awareness about carbon monoxide, will be releasing a single ‘Carbon Monoxide is Lethal as Hell’ on the 18th of September and a large part of our social media campaign will focus around this.


Gas Networks Ireland will be using its Twitter handle (@GasNetIrl) to promote the awareness week and Tommy McAnairey himself will also have a Twitter handle (@TommyMcAnairey) that will be launching on September 14th.

The hashtag #COAwarenessWeek will be used throughout the campaign so we would encourage you to use it on any content that’s being published on your social media channels throughout the week. We would also encourage the use of the Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week logo as your profile photo on social channels for the duration of the campaign.


As an active stake holder in the gas industry, Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) have designed social media content such as Banners, Logos, Images, etc. for your use throughout Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week. This will help drive the key messages around carbon monoxide, raise awareness and ultimately increase safety in peoples’ homes. The get access to the GNI media and/or if you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact GNI:

Elaine Hattie E:

Olwyn Flanagan E:

Please look also at the Carbon Monoxide website where additional information of the CO week can be found.