RGII Return to Work Safely post COVID-19

Return to Installers' Account Page

Dear RGI,

We hope that you, your loved ones and colleagues are safe and well. We wanted to give you an update on RGII’s plan for return to work over the upcoming period, as well as some useful publicly available information specifically related to COVID-19. We also wanted to direct you to some Government advice, whether you are a Sole Trader or Small Medium Enterprise on the various assistance available through the Department of Business & Enterprise and Innovation for businesses affected by COVID-19.

Back to work safely

For more information specifically related to RGIs on COVID-19 and return to work, please click here. RGII have developed this document collating all publicly available informaiton relating to normal RGIs work from HSA, HSE, Government, Criteria Document. This is a live document and may be updated from time to time. If you have any queries on this document, please complete a technical query form here.  

Audits & Inspections

Audits & Inspections of RGIs with all HSE/HSA/Government guidelines in place will resume from June 15th. If you are already back to work, we appreciate if you could contact your inspector, should you have work available for inspection. We thank you in advance for your co-operation and assistance.

Financial information for small and medium enterprises

There is a wide range of financial supports and guidance available to help Businesses impacted by COVID-19, click here for more information Government supports for COVID-19 impacted Business. We hope that this will assist you in re-opening your business and help you to return your business back to normal operations.

RGII have studied the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business as well as the COVID-19 Specific National Protocol for Employers and Workers and have drafted our own Operational as well as Inspection & Audit Recovery Plans. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with these documents and take steps to ensure your business is complying with all HSE guidelines and Government advice while planning a safe return to work.

Name of OrganisationLink to website
Health Service Executivewww.hse.ie
Health & Safety Authoritywww.hsa.ie
Government of Irelandwww.gov.ie
Social Welfare informationwww.gov.ie/social-welfare
Local Enterprise Officewww.localenterprise.ie
IDA Irelandwww.idaireland.com
Enterprise Irelandwww.enterprise-ireland.com
Health Protection Surveillance Centrewww.hpsc.ie
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control www.ecdc.europa.eu